Gottfried Honegger

Gottfried Honegger

Gottfried Honegger, Inside - Outside 3

Gottfried Honegger

Inside - Outside 3

Oil on canvas
90 x 106 cm

Gottfried Honegger, Cercle et carré 2

Gottfried Honegger

Cercle et carré 2

Oil on canvas
150 x 150 cm

Gottfried Honegger, Z 630

Gottfried Honegger

Z 630

Acrylic, tempera on canvas
180 x 146 cm

Gottfried Honegger, P 863

Gottfried Honegger

P 863

Acrylic on canvas
Each 200 x 80 cm

Gottfried Honegger, R 1055

Gottfried Honegger

R 1055

Acrylic on press board
152 x 90,5 cm

Gottfried Honegger, Object from the edition fanal

Gottfried Honegger

Object from the edition fanal

Aluminium, lacquered
50 x 30 x 5 cm

Gottfried Honegger, Etude, 2007

Gottfried Honegger


India ink, crayon on paper
65 x 50 cm

Gottfried Honegger

Z 195 Red

Iron, lacquered
50 x 50 x 25 cm

Gottfried Honegger. Art as a Social Responsibility


3. Oktober 2009 – 29. Juli 2010

The work of Gottfried Honegger plays an important role in the collection of nonrepresentational art. Following the exhibition "Russian Avant-Garde. Roots of the Otten" Collection, the private museum will devote its second exhibition to Gottfried Honegger, born 1917 in Zurich. Works from the 1950s until today will be shown.
The artist is internationally one of his generation´s most important representatives of Concrete-Constructivist Art and stands in the tradition of nonrepresentational art since the 1920s. Gottfried Honegger´s work has its roots in the Russian Avant-Garde as well as in Piet Mondrian´s abstraction. The artist expresses his ideals of responsibility, equality and solidarity in paintings, sculptures, reliefs, collages, and graphic works as well as in texts and works in the public space.
Abstract artists such as Gottfried Honegger do not draw from the material world of things or from nature. Rather, they challenge the viewers in a special way to intensely examine the compositions of color, geometric formal language and material, to allow their imagination to run free, and to discover their own meaning for the works.
Fully in the sense of the freedom of vision postulated by Gottfried Honegger, the Otten Kunstraum invites you as visitors to become involved both spiritually and emotionally with the adventure that is art – in the exhibition space as well as on a tour of the outdoor sculptures and installations.


A catalogue in German, English and French has been published by the Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg to accompany the exhibition "Gottfried Honegger. Art as a Social Responsibility".
ISBN 978-3-869-026-0
Price: € 28.00